Simera Chardonnay Salento IGT

Castello Monaci


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Simera – ΣΗΜΕΡΑ “TODAY” in Greek. It’s a new wine. Modern. Mediterranean. The wine of today. Probably a special day for someone….

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Not far from the town of Lecce and from the sea, on the road to Taranto, at the gates of Salice Salentino, centuries-old olive trees and luxuriant vineyards surround Castello Monaci. The long corridor which links the main road to the castle is a line which goes through the estate, a meridian which divides the vineyards and opens the gates to the modern cellar. Here spreads the sun which floods the land with light and creates unique shapes, like the fruits to which it gives birth. Castello Monaci. Crafted by the sun.
Simera - ΣΗΜΕΡΑ “TODAY” in Greek. It’s a new wine. Modern. Mediterranean. The wine of today. Probably a special day for someone….
Grapes: 100% chardonnay
Vineyard; parcels trained by the Guyot system on deep, dry limestone-clay-siliceous soil; the average yield of grapes is 80 quintals of grapes per hectare.
Vinification: the grapes are vinified by the white wine method, with a gentle pressing; after cold settling the fermentation takes place at a controlled temperature of 12-15°C.
Wine: deep, pale yellow colour with green tints; strong, fruity bouquet; full, soft, fresh and enrobing flavour.
Analytical details: 13% alcohol; 5.00 g/l total acidity; 3.50 pH; 3.9 g/l residual sugar; 21g/l dry extract.
Optimum keeping: 2 years in bottles stored horizontally in cool, dark conditions. Food matches: Italian hors d’oeuvres, delicate first courses, fish.
Serving temperature: 10°-12°C.
Training systemVigne coltivate a Guyot su terreni argilloso-calcareo-silicei profondi e asciutti
Grape varieties100% chardonnay
HarvestLe uve raccolte nella seconda decade di agosto, vengono vinificate “in bianco” con pressatura soffice
WinemakingIl vino riposa sui propri lieviti sino alla fine di gennaio, effettuando frequentemente dei battonage
AgeingNella prima decade di febbraio viene imbottigliato
ColourColore giallo paglierino con riflessi verdi
AlcoholAlcol 13 %

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