SalentoInCantina will not be liable for damages which may result from use of the Site such as computer viruses, omissions, service interruptions and breakdowns of the software, even to the detriment of the of the User computer equipment, which prevent or delay the performance of services if these are due to external causes, of force majeure and / or third parties that do not depend of the holder. SalentoInCantina is only responsible for any defects or flaws detected in the Direct Selling Association. In any event SalentoInCantina can not in any be held responsible for delays or defects or flaws depending on events falling outside its reasonable control such as, to title merely esemplificativo: (1) force majeure events; (2) events caused by third parties such as interruption or malfunction of the services of telecommunication operators and / or electric power lines, or acts or omissions by carriers
Notwithstanding the restriction of the use of the distinctive signs Producer, SalentoInCantina is the holder of every right relating to the content and conceptual graph of the Site, well as the its distinctive signs in it made visible. Is thus forbidden to reproduce, even partial, the content and design of the Site, as well as the distinctive signs in the same made visible. SalentoInCantina also owns the technology platform management website.
The personal data are collected and processed in order to respond to the requests of the User. SalentoInCantina guarantees its users to operate in compliance with regulations regarding the processing of personal data covered by the Privacy Code under Legislative Decree. N. 196/2003. The information of the privacy is considered integral and essential part of these General Terms and is available on in the Privacy section of the Site or the link: The holder of the the data is in SalentoInCantina. Any complaint must therefore be addressed to: SalentoInCantina, P. IVA 04330770753, with registered office at Via Felice Casorati, 2 73100 Lecce ITALY. At the time of registration the User may be required to give its consent to the receipt of marketing information, including the dispatch of newsletters. In such a case the user will be free to lend or deny consent.
Although not expressly stated in the contract, the rules with regard to distance contracts. For disputesis competent Tribunal of the place of residence or domicile of the seller.