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Un vino dal colore giallo paglierino con leggeri riflessi verdolini dal bouquet fine e delicato, con sentori di fiori di campo sapore: gusto fresco, lievemente acidulo con sentori fruttati. Un vino che si beve giovane, ottimo come aperitivo e per accompagnare piatti a base di pesce lesso e ai ferri, crostacei, frutti di mare.

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Un vino dal colore rosa con riflessi violacei appena accennati.
Sapore: gusto pieno, rotondo con sentori di frutti esotici, piacevolmente equilibrato, ottimo vino da tutto pasto, indicato per minestre, carni bianche, formaggi delicati, pizza.

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Vini Cantina Sa Donaci


Di colore rosso rubino con riflessi violacei. Il profumo esprime al naso note di frutta matura e di spezie dolci. Al palato risulta secco, asciutto, con una lieve nota finale che ricorda la mandorla amara. Si accompagna bene a salumi stagionati e formaggi a pasta dura, primi piatti a base di carne, arrosti.

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Grapes: White Bombino Pampanuto

Vineyard location: Apulia – hills of the Castel del Monte DOC area

Altitude: 350 – 400 mt. a.s.l.

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Grapes: Black Bombino

Vineyard location
: Apulia – hills of the Castel del Monte DOC

Area altitude
: 350 – 400 mt. a.s.l.

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Rivera sets the challenge of making a monovarietal Bombino Bianco which would capture all of those grape’s qualities, instead of blending it with other varieties, as it is customary. The ultra-ripeness of the harvested fruit, evident in the wine’s complex, rich fragrances, finds a lovely counterpoint in the crisp acidity typical of Bombino Bianco. Our Marese is a lively, refreshing wine to be enjoyed young, especially when partnered with “antipasti” and seafood dishes.

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The idea of bringing a typically “northern” vine, such as Chardonnay, into Apulia, represented a great wine making challenge for our winery. The transfer required long years of experimentation; first in the vineyard, researching the correct stock and the most appropriate training system, and then, once the vine was acclimatised, in the wine cellar, to identify the right time to harvest and the most suitable system of wine-making. The results were certainly positive, thanks to the fact that on the hills of the Castel del Monte doc area, especially on calcareous-tufaceous soils, the Chardonnay vine has found a habitat which fosters its complete, correct maturation, exalting the variety character. The wine that has resulted, the Preludio n°1, is one of the most prestigious in our range of production.

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Violante is the result of Rivera’s wish to marry Nero di Troia’s classic complexity and marked scent of violets to a crisp fruitiness and early approachability. This wine offers generous, forward aromas and flavours, and at the same time more
than adequate structure and body.

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Taking advantage of the most modern winemaking practices, Rivera has succeeded in crafting a distinctive rosé that reflects the unique characteristics of the Bombino Nero grape, a variety that is so peculiar to the Castel del Monte area and so suitable to rosé wine production to have deserved, the only one in Italy, the D.O.C.G. status.. Our Pungirosa is a crisp, refreshing rosé bursting with flavor, with a forward, vivacious fruitiness that makes it a great companion to most dishes. Enjoy it also as a wonderfully appealing aperitif.

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Giancarlo Ceci Wines


Vino Biologico prodotto dalla vinificazione delle uve di vitigni autoctoni dei vigneti dell’azienda. VITIGNI Uva di Troia e Montepulciano. TECNICA DI AFFINAMENTO Affinamento e stabilizzazione in contenitori in acciaio inox tramite periodici e regolari travasi a cui seguono 1-2 mesi di affinamento in bottiglia prima della commercializzazione.

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Vini Cantina Sa Donaci


Vino ottenuto dalla vinificazione di uve Negroamaro. Affinamento in barriques. All’olfatto emergono sentori di frutti a polpa rossa maturi e confetture, speziati come pepe nero, liquirizia, tostati e nota balsamica di macchia mediterranea. Ideale con formaggi a pasta dura come Comtè, Gorgonzola, salumi come Pancetta di maiale, chorizo, capocollo e carni rosse alla griglia.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 201 items

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